+254 727 400321 | info@apostolicfaithkenya.com
Kikopey Conference Centre
About Project
We have Apostolic Faith Church National Conference Centre at Kikopey, Gilgil.
It is conspicuously clear, on your left, as you drive from the Nakuru Highway after Gilgil town. When Bishop Peter Gatimu, took over as the General Overseer in the year 2010, together with a team of National officials, he deeply sought the LORD for the real financial revolution (improvement) in the church whereby God revealed truth of “covenant of God” in life and the work of CHRIST.
He introduced a dynamic and powerful revelation of covenant giving, whereby people responds to the level of glorious riches in God (and of God), agree with Him in that level, in order to be raised in that level (of covenant by God and of God), to give according to God’s level (of covenant), to meet glorious needs of the Kingdom of God in our church – this includes building churches and conference centres in strategic areas for church growth and its functions.
We believed in God of Abraham, who is active even today – in His covenant principles that applied to Abraham, which applies to people of Faith, in today’s walk and work with God.
Genesis 12:1-6, Genesis 15:1-6, Genesis 17:1-4, Philippians 4:19, Ephesians 1:15-18, Isaiah 40:1-31, Isaiah 35:1-8.
It is God who produced the covenant to Abraham (and to us) based on Him as the Almighty God (Genesis 17:1-2) and Abraham had to agree on the terms of God, obey, walk with them, even if they were beyond his level and natural laws. He actually became what God said “Father of nations, multiplied, a blessing”.
In covenant, we obey God, and become rich for His work, to give in obedience, and also become blessed, and replinished, that is, becoming products of covenant (opposite of what natural law, background, personality, and the society had for us).
This applied – and Apostolic Faith Church Pastors and members, led by Bishop Gatimu agreed; made covenant in agreement with God – this would follow 5 – 6 months covenant walk with God, after prayers and agreeing with God (we would meet and do this, first, then come after covenant walk – to fulfil, in agreement with God – the God who gave us His covenant level of what we will give).
On 11th March 2012, we raised about Kshs. 13 million which was for transaction and purchase of 10 acres covenant land at Kikopey, Gilgil.
On 19th July 2015, we raised almost Kshs. 20 million; on 16th October 2016, about Kshs.27 million; on 20th May 2018, around Kshs. 20 million, on 10th March 2017, slightly more than Kshs. 20 million, on 17th Feb. 2022, around Kshs. 27 million (1 dollar = Kshs. 130, 1 pound = Kshs. 166).
This is just to confirm that, a church, that could never dream of raising a million ($7,752 USD), changed to giving millions in covenant by God; this followed in Assemblies, Parishes, Regions and even in individuals (who agreed with God – were faithful to covenant walk) and became millionaires. In covenant, you walk, in connection with God’s work, and you always get more, and live more, to the end; to see the purpose and the glory of God. You will always be glorious!
We applied the same in Lakewood (Seattle) USA, and brethren, there, led by Bishop Ciuga, and Bishop Gatimu, and other covenant partners with God like Joseph Ng’ang’a – Kenya, and brethren in Apostolic Faith Lakewood, (who yielded to God’s covenant in His level of riches) – purchased a church on 21/2 acres, with buildings (church, offices, halls, Pastors residence etc) which costed hundreds of millions. Members were made rich by God, for their own lives and for His temple. It is glorious, God producing glorious people, for His glorious temple, with glorious lives.
In Kikopey, we have built a hostel, occupying slightly more than 1/2 acre, with ground floor having 54 big modern rooms, toilets, bathrooms etc. The ground floor accomodates around 900 people – and with anticipated FOUR storeys, it will accomodate around 4,500 people.
We have also laid foundation for the ladies hostel, with the same capacity and vision. We have a big modern hall to accomodate 7000 people sitted comfortably – it is served with 48 toilets. We have a borehole with a tower holding tanks with capacity of 400,000 litres of water. The kitchen is big enough, with facilities to cater for more than 5000 – 6000 people.
The conference compound has parking of around 700 – 800 vehicles (in addition of 4 acres reserved for recreation and parking).
We are planning to have executive rooms – facilities and other conducive developments for conference centre, which appears to become the largest in Nakuru highway (all through from Nairobi to Kisumu).
It will be available for church conferences, workshops, big commercial and social mega gatherings.
Nakuru Highway (Great North Road) at a place known us Kikopey (Gilgil)