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Fainting is a sudden loss of consciousness. It is a loss of your real awakeness, ability to do things in real strength, staggering, wavering, stagnation, loss of strength to continue with your race, loss of strength to subdue the earth, discouragement, diversion, doubt, defeat, etc.
Satan is a schemer of “Faint”. You can fail to arise in ways of gaining strength (prayers, fasting, active ministry, word) and you end up in a zone where you are truly vulnerable to fainting.
We also need to avoid crises of faith.
Crisis of faith is when you focus so much on negative (failure, lack, negative self-concept, evil feelings, satanic works, etc.) until the negative things become big mountains in your heart and mind, and you ultimately get drained, dry, empty, and without the reality of God.
You avoid crises of faith by behaving like Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:1-20. He avoided fear and confessed who Jehovah was, to Judah, and how great (and big) Jehovah was over the enemies – until Jehovah descended (became magnified, and great) and took over the battle.
You need to worship. Worship is confessing who God is, thinking of His greatness, confining yourself to His way of doing things, to His way of thinking, and to His character (Job 19:25).
Causes of Fainting:
- Lack of strength
- Instant attack: whereby you have no readiness (you are low).
- Frustration: nowhere to go (being “locked in”).
- When the source is exhausted – and you have no opening.
- Dryness of heart and mind
- Being chased by issues – and your capacity is inadequate
- Lack of direction
- Failing to wait upon God (Psalms 40:1-5, Isaiah 40:25-27).
- Pain: Oppressive pain in heart, mind, or body pointing at defeat.
- A person in covenant (with wife, children, parent…) and they are attacked, whereby you cannot offer help (1 Samuel 30).
Overcoming “Fainting”
- 1 Samuel 30 – being open to God’s will.
- When Christ takes over and you allow Him to lead you in areas that you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3, Luke 5, John 9, Mark 5:35-42).
- Allow a second touch from God – Mark 8:22.
- Faith in the resurrection power of Christ (Philippians 3:10, Acts 2:24,36, Acts 3:6-8, Acts 4:10,12,13, Acts 4:29-31).
- Clear anointing based on the complete work of Christ (Romans 8:31-39).
- Wrestling prayer, until the answer is evident (1 Kings 18:36-37,39 verse 43). Initially, the servant said “there is nothing” six times; on the seventh time, he said “there is a cloud”.
- Quickening of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14,16,17,26).
- Focus on who God is. Read the Bible until this builds in your mind.
- Prayer of trusting God to handle pains and enemies (Philippians 4:6-8).
- Avoid sin, overcome temptations and tests. Failure in temptation builds a weak heart, which cannot withstand real battles. Satan and demons can challenge you because of evil and hypocrisy. Righteousness gives room for anointing – especially during battles and attacks (Daniel 2, Daniel 6).